Port Authority Credit Committee Expansion

Are you looking for an opportunity to grow professionally and expand your network? To impact decisions that lead to economic growth in both Saint Paul and statewide? If so, consider applying for the Saint Paul Port Authority’s Credit Committee.
Port Authority Credit Committee Responsibilities
Credit committee members review financial documents and then make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. Items to be reviewed include, but are not limited to, the approval of external loan applications, internal grant applications, land sales, leases, and bond issues.
In-person meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. Committee members receive a $55 stipend for each meeting attended. We do ask for one week’s notice from committee members who are unable to fulfill their obligation in any given month.
Port Authority Credit Committee Candidate Qualifications
Credit committee members play an important role in our organization. As such, we will only consider candidates with the following qualifications:
- Saint Paul resident or employee of a Saint Paul organization
- Commitment to the economic vitality of Saint Paul
- Familiar with the work of the Saint Paul Port Authority
- Work experience in the financial sector
- Solid understanding of credit underwriting processes and procedures
- Willingness to serve up to three one-year terms
Applications will be accepted through July 31, 2022. From there, we will schedule interviews and appoint two new members prior to our September 2022 credit committee meeting.
Credit committee members will also be expected to attend an onboarding session. At this time, Saint Paul Port Authority staff will share a high-level overview of each department’s responsibilities. There will be added emphasis on the work that is impacted by credit decisions, including our MinnPACE and TrillionBTU programs.
Apply Today
This application is available through July 31, 2022.
Learn more about the Saint Paul Port Authority: www.sppa.com.