Saint Paul Port Authority: A Diverse Team, Driving Development Foward

Comprising a dynamic group of skilled professionals, the Development Team at the Saint Paul Port Authority is the embodiment of teamwork, organization, and stellar communications. Leading the team is Kathryn, Chief Development Officer, followed by Sarah, Director of Development, Rick, Project Manager, Tonya, Director of Strategic Development, and Kristine, Director of Real Estate.

Each member’s role is distinct yet interconnected, creating a synergy that propels our collective mission forward. Sarah, for instance, excels in logistics and coordination, while Tonya’s strong communication skills make her a master negotiator. Rick, our resource navigator, helps the team avoid potential pitfalls, and Kristine, an inspirational coach at heart, also excels in project management.

Our development team’s purpose extends beyond our internal roles, they support the Saint Paul Port Authority through various initiatives. They purchase and sell properties, maintain business partnerships, create tax base, clean up properties, subsidize lands, bridge businesses, and push for sustainability. Through these endeavors, they’ve honed their creativity, cultivated patience, and deepened their understanding of municipal operations and business dynamics.

Their portfolio of projects is diverse, ranging from attending meetings and negotiating leases to collaborating with our Finance Department, managing the harbor and railroad affairs. They also take pride in working to transform The Heights into a livable community.

Professional growth is a continuous journey for our Development team. They actively seek mentorship, embrace new opportunities, ask probing questions, listen to others, and by staying curious, they learn from others, take on new challenges, and step out of their comfort zones.

Working at the Port Authority comes with its highs and lows. They cherish their amazing coworkers, the Port’s mission, the gratification of achieving good results, the opportunities that come their way, and the joy of setting up events like the harbor tour. However, the Development team also grapples with challenges including full email inboxes, limited time and resources, unpredictable schedules, and the accompanying stress.

Each team member brings not just their skills but also valuable advice to the table. Rick urges us to be open to new opportunities, while Tonya emphasizes the importance of staying involved. Sarah advises us to stay curious and Kristine reminds us that “there is no such thing as a Real Estate Emergency”. Kathryn, echoing Rick’s advice, encourages us to seize new opportunities that come our way.