Water quality will remain a top priority during remediation and construction at The Heights. At this time, there are no public safety concerns. Our tests show that contamination is contained in the shallow soil, from as little as the top 6” to going no deeper than 36″ from the surface at most locations.
Furthermore, mercury found in soil, resulting from fungicides, is relatively insoluble and does not typically spread to groundwater or surface water. At this point, we have not found any evidence of mercury in the groundwater or surface water at the Site.
We will take extra precautions to prevent excess soil erosion. Protections will be in place around the perimeter of the property should there be heavy rains. Water quality will be monitored throughout remediation and construction phases. Extra precautions will be taken around the perimeter of the property to limit any eroded soil from leaving the property. Should an issue arise, neighbors will be
notified via the Saint Paul Port Authority website and social media channels.