Requested by Richard Neumeister on July 4, 2022

Good evening,

I recently read in the Star Tribune that the Saint Paul Port Authority has issued up to $445 million in taxable conduit revenue bonds for the 

Mystery Cover Water Park, Bloomington, Minnesota.  

This interests me.

Pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, I wish to review and inspect all government data presented to the 

Board of Commissioners on the topic so indicated in the above paragraph.  Whether as part of the Boards regularly scheduled meetings or in communication that was not part of their regularly scheduled meetings.

Additionally, I wish to review the documentation attributed to Interim Port Authority Todd Hurley’s comments to the Star Tribune reporter, that the Bloomington Water Park is in line with the Port’s goal “with its economic development goals for the region.”  

If denied access to any data, it is requested the responsible authority’s written certification, along with citation to denial authority, for each and every denial of each and every data denied access to.

Any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me.


Richard Neumeister
