Sustainability ntawm lub Heights: ib txog kev rau Excellence

Ntawm tus neeg dawb Huv Paul chaw nres nkoj cai, peb to taub cov num mus mitigate cov teebmeem ntawm kev nyab xeeb hloov kev nyab xeeb thiab paub txog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm txo zog siv zog thiab CO2 emissions. Qhov no yog tus tsav quab yuam qab peb lub hom phiaj mus cuag ib LEED rau cov zej zog Platinum daim ntawv pov thawj.
Sustainability lub hom phiaj rau lub Heights
Ntawm txoj kev mus qhov ib lub zej zog carbon-dawb zej zog, peb twb teev cov theem rau ib tug muaj zog reliance rau huv zog. Ntawm qhov Heights, peb yog limiting siv tej nkev thiab opting rau hluav taws xob generated los ntawm renewable qhov chaw. Lub hom phiaj no twb nyob rau hauv qhov chaw rau cov tswv cuab (teeb industrial thiab tej tsev neeg) los maximize lawv ru tsev qhov chaw nrog solar installations. Thaum kawg, peb xav kom qhov chaw ua kom muaj hluav taws xob hluav taws xob tshaj nws siv.
Peb yeej tseem teem rau yav tom ntej-proofing peb sustainability lub hom phiaj ntawm lub Heights, kom cov kev nqis peev uas tau ua nyob ntev. Mus cuag lub hom phiaj no, tag nrho cov vaj tse, tsuas yog rau single-detached tsev, yuav tau ntsib ib yam tsawg kawg efficiency txheem uas yog 50% ntau dua lub Department of zog tam sim no yuav tsum tau. Tas, tus infrastructure yuav tau EV-npaj, nyob rau hauv anticipation rau cov tsheb siv fais tsheb.
Lwm cov tswv yim ntxiv yog nyob rau hauv qhov chaw txhim khu lub neej zoo rau cov neeg uas nyob thiab ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv cheeb tsam. Txoj kev tsim yuav prioritize neeg taug kev ruaj ntseg. Cov nta muaj xws li sidewalks nrog lub cev buffers thiab nplooj siab tsheb tuam txoj kab khiav. Kuj yuav muaj ib txoj kev uas nws txuas zog thiab Self convenient accessibility. Pej xeem thauj ntog sab nraum peb tau, tab sis peb yuav tseem advocate rau them, feem ntau enclosed tsheb thauj mus los nrog rooj zaum thiab muab lo cov sij hawm.
Tswj Rua cov miv nyuas
Rau txhua qhov project, peb yuav tsum tau cov tswv cuab kom muaj ib tug siv khib nyiab tswj lub hom phiaj nyob rau hauv qhov chaw. Lub hom phiaj kawg yog txwv cov khib nyiab uas xaus rau ib landfill rau 25% (uas tsis muaj ntau tshaj 50%.) Qhov no yog ho tsawg tshaj li qhov nruab nrab sib, uas stands closer rau 70%.
Cov tswv cuab yuav tau ua hauj lwm ntawm lub hom phiaj ntawm achieving ib LEED Silver certification los yog ntau dua. Rau peb qhov, peb tau ua phem rau siv recycled khoom thaum muab rau hauv lub infrastructure. Txuj muaj xws li Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) thiab recycled cement. Peb twb pib recycling ntoo, siv lawv ua mulch rau ntawm qhov chaw. Yav tom ntej, peb yuav rov siv ntoo rau pej xeem daim duab thiab sib tham sib tham sib ua si.
Muaj ib precertification hauv tes, peb nyob nraum dov txog peb tes tsho, npaj ua qhov chaw ua hauj lwm outlined nyob rau hauv peb daim ntawv thov LEED. Nyob rau hauv alignment nrog peb lub hom phiaj, peb cia tib si yog pab raws li ib tug thawj coj hauv sustainability thiab tsim ib txoj kev ntawm lub Heights uas yuav replicated thoob plaws hauv thaj av ntawd thiab tshaj ntawd.