Pab peb qhia zaj dabneeg ntawm tus dej ua hauj lwm

Thaum xyoo 2019 thiab 2020, cov neeg dawb huv Paul chaw nres nkoj cai yuav ua hauj lwm nrog ntxaib lub zos PBS (TPT) qhia zaj dabneeg ntawm tus dej ua hauj lwm. Nws yuav muaj xws li ib 30 feeb [...]

Golf Course Contamination

Peb tus khub, Braun Intertec, muab cov ntaub ntawv keeb kwm ntawm contamination ntawm Hillcrest Golf course. Keeb kwm siv Mercury kuas khoom cov mercury-tej yam uas qhia ntawm Hillcrest Golf course yog los ntawm [...]

Hillcrest Golf Course Redevelopment

Hillcrest Golf course Redevelopment Tuesday, Ntuj 28, 2019, cov neeg dawb huv Paul chaw nres nkoj cai Board of Commissioners unanimously pom zoo rau creation ntawm ib qho industrial kev loj hlob nyob rau ntawm qhov chaw [...]

Stormwater tswj

Koj yuav tsum paub txog Stormwater tswj tom ntej no tiam sis stormwater tswj yog ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm cov neeg dawb huv Paul chaw nres nkoj cai sustainability kev siv zog. Raws li lub U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [...]

Hla lub hnub Straw hnub

#SkiptheStrawDay raws li lub teb chaws Geographic, neeg Mis Kas siv 500 lab (million) straws txhua hnub xwb. Vim li cas tseem ceeb ua luaj rau peb ua li ntawd? Vim hais tias yog ntau tshaj 1.6 straws ib hnub twg, equating rau ib [...]

Tus dej Mississippi dej: Tus economic cav Economic

No blog yog tshwm sim los ntawm ib tsab xov xwm luam tawm rau LinkedIn los Kathryn Sarnecki, vice president ntawm redevelopment thiab harbor tswj ntawm tus neeg dawb huv Paul chaw nres nkoj cai. Economic Contribution the Mississippi [...]

Baldinger Bakery hauj lwm ncaj ncees

Baldinger yog ib tug neeg ua mov ci loj uas ua 2 lab (million) buns ib hnub twg.  Tuaj rau lub Baldinger Hauj lwm ncaj ncees thiab sib tham rau ntau lawm hauj lwm ntau lawm.  Koj yuav tau muab ib txoj hauj lwm rau [...]