Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) tso cov nqe lus nram qab no ua ntej lawm hnub no: St. Paul Port Cai – United zos nyob Midway Thaiv B Kev Loj Hlob Project The St. Paul [...]

Allianz teb los ntawm hauv pem teb

United zos ntawm Midway loj yam tseem nyob Allianz teb. Tom qab qhib rau xyoo 2019, ib qhov project tshiab yog rau lub qab ntug. United zos ntawm Midway yog los rau qhov chaw [...]

Lag luam Tseem ceeb Spotlight

Restoration Professionals, nyob rau hauv cov neeg dawb Huv Paul chaw nres nkoj cai great Northern Lag luam Center, yog qhib 24-teev ib hnub twg, 7-hnub ib lub lis piam, npaj txhawb cov neeg tau raws li ib tug multitude ntawm cov teeb meem loj. [...]

Pillbox Tavern tam sim no qhib

Pillbox Tavern Pillbox Tavern yog tam sim no qhib rau Treasure Island Center. Cov kev ua si-themed tsev noj mov, uas yog Bill Ashton, them tribute rau tus thawj "Pillbox," ib downtown ballpark siv los ntawm cov [...]

Puav pheej Winning Engineers ntawm Allianz teb

Nws yog ib tug yawm mus nquam paj nquam nruas nrog Braun Intertec, Loucks, thiab Populous ua ib feem ntawm pab neeg pom tau hais tias rau engineering excellence rau lub Allianz teb redevelopment peb tes num.  Nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj 24, [...]

Nelly Chick, CPA Joins neeg dawb huv Paul chaw nres nkoj cai

Nelly Chick, CPA neeg dawb huv Paul chaw nres nkoj cai yog ntiv nplhaib nyob rau hauv lub xyoo tshiab nrog ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm tshiab: Nelly Chick. Ua ntej pub ntxiv tshaj qhov pab neeg no, Nelly yog ib tug accountant senior [...]

C-PACE tsim Proves vam meej hauv Minnesota

Tsaug tshiab C-PACE tsim, 2019 yog ib xyoo loj rau MinnPACE. Yog vim li cas? Cov kev cai tshiab, uas muab nyhuv rau lub yim hli ntuj, tshem tawm tej barriers rau C-PACE txais rau siv tshiab. Txawm tias [...]