Lub npe uas nkag mus rau hauv lub npe

Txais tos rau hauv Treasure Island Center! 400 Wabasha Street N | Neeg dawb huv Paul, MN qhov no yog los ntawm treasure Island Center, nrhiav mus rau txoj kev Wabasha. Nyob rau hauv [...]

Dej Shipping pub lub ntiaj teb

Peb nyuam qhuav zaum nrog Ben Doane, barge freight merchandiser, CHS, tham txog li cas tseem ceeb shipping yog rau qhov kev lag luam agriculture thiab peb lub teb chaws tus economy. Peb kawm yog [...]


Nws yog hnub no hauv 1932 tias cov neeg dawb huv Paul City Council tsim qhov chaw nres nkoj cai ntawm lub nroog saint Paul. Ntau tau hloov yav tag los [...]

Raws li Ashley rau #NationalInternDay

Hnub no peb nquam paj nquam nruas peb lub caij ntuj sov intern Ashley Torres! Ashley ua hauj lwm nrog ib tug kawm ntawv qib siab tau cob qhia, ua ntej lub xyoo, los tsim ib daim ntawv teev cov kev ua ub no uas yuav beneficial rau ib [...]

Ncaws pob tshiab: TIF thiab tus nqi huv si

Chaw ntau pob Ncaws pob Tsis tsim nyog rau TIF state txoj cai txwv tsis pub siv cov nyiaj ua se tau Increment Financing (TIF) rau cov chaw ua si recreational, xws li Minnesota United lub neej yav tom ntej ncaws pob. Nws tsis exclude [...]

TIF Txais yooj yim

TIF yog dab tsi?  TIF stands rau cov nyiaj ua se tau Increment Financing. Nws yog ib txoj kev loj hlob economic kev loj hlob los ntawm lub zos, cheeb nroog thiab tub ceev xwm (xws li cov neeg dawb huv Paul Chaw nres nkoj cai) txhawb [...]

Lub qab ntuj no feem coob siv tej twj no li cas?

Cement: Cov hmoov khoom siv los ua concrete. Vim li cas cov concrete Teeb meem? Concrete yog xyaum qhov txhia chaw. Peb infrastructure relies rau nws. Nws nyob hauv peb txoj kev thiab kev loj, chaw rau tsheb thiab [...]

B Kyle ua neeg dawb Huv Paul Area Chamber of Commerce

Muaj, nws yeej muaj tseeb tiag. B. Kyle yog tawm hauv cov neeg dawb huv Paul chaw nres nkoj cai ua tus neeg dawb Huv Paul Area Chamber of Commerce. Cov xov xwm zoo yog tias nws txawj thiab talents [...]